Hey there… im currently working on a space game and i wanna chuck in some nice ‘spacey’ effects so ive had a very strange attempt at bitmap data. Now im not gonna lie, i have never used it in my life so that explains why i am here…
Basicly i want a nice blury trail to follow EVERYTHING, yes everything in my game… it looks great BUT the CPU usage rises to about 50%! Now my PC is pretty beefy!!! so what kind off effect will someone with a PC that isnt so good get :-/!
Also using an FPS counter ive noted a slight drop, only when capped 40+
TBH ive got to be doing somthing wrong because bitmapData is godlike from what i have heard, someone please enlighten me!
My code is here and the link to the SWF is http://img170.imageshack.us/my.php?image=vectorwarszh4.swf, even if you dont know that answer gimmi an idea what FPS you got :sure:
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
class bitmap
public var sourceMC:MovieClip;
public var destMC:MovieClip;
public var bmpData:BitmapData;
//FUNCTION: constructer
public function bitmap(a:MovieClip)
sourceMC = a.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", a.getNextHighestDepth());
destMC = a.createEmptyMovieClip("destMC", a.getNextHighestDepth());
bmpData = new BitmapData(Stage.width, Stage.height, true, 0);
destMC._alpha = 40;
//FUNCTION: draw new data
public function draw():Void
//FUNCTION: display new data & apply filter
public function display():Void
bmpData.applyFilter(bmpData,bmpData.rectangle,destMC.Point(0, 0),new BlurFilter(5.5, 5.5, 3));
This is called from the FLA with an onEnterFrame event!! (PS: HOLD SPACE TO DISABLE THE BITMAPPING)
TY in advance