BitmapData munches my CPU!

Hey there… im currently working on a space game and i wanna chuck in some nice ‘spacey’ effects so ive had a very strange attempt at bitmap data. Now im not gonna lie, i have never used it in my life so that explains why i am here…

Basicly i want a nice blury trail to follow EVERYTHING, yes everything in my game… it looks great BUT the CPU usage rises to about 50%! Now my PC is pretty beefy!!! so what kind off effect will someone with a PC that isnt so good get :-/!

Also using an FPS counter ive noted a slight drop, only when capped 40+

TBH ive got to be doing somthing wrong because bitmapData is godlike from what i have heard, someone please enlighten me!

My code is here and the link to the SWF is, even if you dont know that answer gimmi an idea what FPS you got :sure:

import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.filters.BlurFilter;

class bitmap
    public var sourceMC:MovieClip;
    public var destMC:MovieClip;
    public var bmpData:BitmapData;

    //FUNCTION: constructer
    public function bitmap(a:MovieClip)
        sourceMC = a.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", a.getNextHighestDepth());
        destMC = a.createEmptyMovieClip("destMC", a.getNextHighestDepth());
        bmpData = new BitmapData(Stage.width, Stage.height, true, 0);
        destMC._alpha = 40;
    //FUNCTION: draw new data
    public function draw():Void
    //FUNCTION: display new data & apply filter
    public function display():Void
        bmpData.applyFilter(bmpData,bmpData.rectangle,destMC.Point(0, 0),new BlurFilter(5.5, 5.5, 3));

This is called from the FLA with an onEnterFrame event!! (PS: HOLD SPACE TO DISABLE THE BITMAPPING)

TY in advance :slight_smile: