Well I finished 2 weeks of exams last thursday so I had two days of partying and three days of coding, and in three days I have come up with this! (click this )
Its pretty much your average blog network, wordpress MU 1.2.1 as base, then I have:
an integrated forum (ill launch that tomorow, im too lazy to FTP that tonight)
Friends List, you can add friends etc. and send private messages
Quick email so you can nmotify subscribers to your blog about new stuff
100+ themes to choose from
30+ plugins (not all available there still going through testing)
A completely hand-coded cache system (where most of the time went, still buggy)
100MB space etc. etc
I cant take full credit for home page design, it was originally made by Roy Tanck.
Please comment on either features design etc, or if you have enough time actually sign up and play about.
I dont mind you saying its complete crap as it probably is but after 2 days of partying I thought it was a great idea!
Let the bashing BEGIN!