hey, there was some guy at were-here that was designing a tute for a Mini-BLOG Reader that is displayed at were-here site, and also there is this chick that created a blog-reader component, check this out: http://flashcomponents.net/component.cfm?nav=2&id=180
hey 28…check out this link:
You will find what your looking for there
gah php is so overrated…
asp can do the same things, only a lot more efficient.
ahhh whatever works dude.
i have used PHP-Nuke and postNuke and right now i prefer postNuke because its smaller and easyer. PHP-Nuke is a frekin website that you coustomize to your needs. i know lost uses cute news and that seems to work fine too. its really just a trial and error type of thing untill your find what is right for your needs, like i said postNuke is smaller and i liked that. both PHP-Nuke and postNuke take a bit of tinkering to get what you want but it all is cool in the end, just if you want big, small, or inbetween.
Whoa… thanks guys!
Well last night I bought another .net thinger and lucky me, it came with blog software that looks pretty nice, so for now I think I’m gonna stick with it. Thanks a lot for all your help and not knowing what blog meant-ness.
Bless you… haha