Hi Guys,
I’m looking for some recommendations from you all on FREE or BEST things to use for putting out a podcast.
Things I know so far to get started quickly would be I need a blog, a place to host, and a RSS feed generator.
So far I’ve come up with Blogger, and Feedburner for the RSS. Software for doing the podcast wouldn’t be a big deal. I’m more interested in what to do to get the podcast to the public.
This is more of a test for the company I work for and I don’t know how far it will go so one of my questions is, if I start out small using these tools, how hard would it be to upgrade to something like Wordpress or something similar down the road.
Am I thinking to small?
I guess I’m hoping someone here who blogs or podcasts has some tips on service or tools that are best.
I figure it wouldn’t hurt to ask some real people while I research.