This is one of those things that started off with the goal of keeping things simple but gradually got more complex as I decided to explain more and MORE things. I think the final length of this is around 25 pages (with images), which by itself is around 5% the total length of my book on Algorithms!
Do you have data on how many people read most articles based on the amount of words? You might need to consider making YouTube video tutorials for large articles?
I think if you are skimming for an answer, the longer tutorials aren’t going to help. If you are trying to learn something in-depth, then the longer tutorials are just what you are looking for. I do tend to optimize for the second group.
As for the videos, that is usually the plan. I do have videos for almost all of my longer articles, but they do lag by a few weeks depending on how busy I am
Great article. I had one question, though, and it probably reflects my lack of understanding. You say, " 1. Too few hash functions: The bit array will be under-utilized, leading to lower collision rates but higher false negative rates as fewer bits are set." I thought that bloom filters had no false negatives. Is it that too few hash functions also increase false positives, for the reason you state (under-utilization of bit array…too many collisions)?