anyone know any sites that has blue prints of trains? :-\
try, I hear they have a good search feature there… :!:
I’ve tried google
thnx anyways…
this guys site is awsome… has hundreds of good blue prints for vehicles… except trains
omg thx kei! I’ve been lookin all over for these things!
hehe np man!
let me know if u find any train blue prints!
this was all i was able to find,blue_prints_train,3d80fa3b1.html
hope this helps:P :beam:
too bad about having to pay for them…
i know. i will keep searching for him:sigh:
hehe i really dont wanna pay for blue prints
i was looking for some coz it would make it so much easier to model in 3d!
oh well…dont worry about it man! thanks for trying! (-: