Blue prints?

anyone know any sites that has blue prints of trains? :-\

try, I hear they have a good search feature there… :!: :wink:


I’ve tried google :confused:
thnx anyways…

this guys site is awsome… has hundreds of good blue prints for vehicles… except trains :frowning:

omg thx kei! I’ve been lookin all over for these things!

hehe np man!

let me know if u find any train blue prints!

this was all i was able to find,blue_prints_train,3d80fa3b1.html

hope this helps:P :beam:

too bad about having to pay for them…

i know. i will keep searching for him:sigh:

hehe i really dont wanna pay for blue prints :smirk:
i was looking for some coz it would make it so much easier to model in 3d!
oh well…dont worry about it man! thanks for trying! (-: