Need ya'll help with some blueprints

I am going to be modelling some vehicles (thanks to newly acquired toy “Brazil 1.0”) a while back someone posted a link to a place to get free blueprints of vehicles. If anyone has that links or knows of a site could you post it please


found the answer already in case anyone eles is ever looking for the same check this site out :slight_smile:

thanks that one is cool too!!!

OMG!!! I’ve been searching for like 9823749327498237498327 yrs for sites with car blueprints!!! Thanks for posting the links guys.

Woohoo!! I can now model cars!! :beem:

oh great, eg is going to start designing cars instead of web sites. :stuck_out_tongue:

haha I’m planning on going into game design so I need to practice modeling. :stuck_out_tongue:

game design is sweet…I am venturing into advertising myself got an op to make some good money doing 3d for an ad company.

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**haha I’m planning on going into game design so I need to practice modeling. :stuck_out_tongue: **
Didn’t you say you wanted to be a robo-techie? :bad: :stuck_out_tongue:


fixed a typo

*Originally posted by ahmed *
**Didn’t you say you wanted to be a rob-techie? :bad: :stuck_out_tongue: **

I was just kidding about that, I just wanted to copy you. :stuck_out_tongue:

lol :stuck_out_tongue: