Bluemill Media is a startup design and development agency. We are a small team of motivated professionals building, marketing and managing a suite of web based software productivity applications and web based entertainment services. (We do Client work too, but only because it pays the bills :P)
We are looking for talented, motivated, ‘get-er-done’ types to add to our team of well rounded entrepreneurs. You’ll be working for equity stake in each and every project you touch (which means if we make a million, YOU make a million). We’re on our way up and we want you there with us.
I’ll say it once and once only. ONLY self-motivated, hard working, talent-in-a-box individuals need apply. Once we welcome you to our team and trust you with our projects, you are expected to perform. We won’t hold your hand and we’ll give you your freedom, but we want results. ‘Nuff said.
What exactly are we looking for? You, if you are one (or multiple) of the following:[LIST]
[]A Flash developer. You should have experience with XML based multimedia applications, full interactive websites and “micro site” type advertisements and ad campaigns.
[]A Branding expert. No we don’t mean we want you to draw a cool picture that we can put next to our name. We mean we want you to develop and help implement branding concepts that deliver any message we give you in a way that our prospects will remember. We want you to make our faces, and we want them to be pretty.
[]A Graphic designer. That means all the way from the napkin, to photoshop, to the web (or a brocure, or a business card, or a billboard if that’s your assignment). If you can take a detailed service proposal and turn it into an (x)HTML Strict, validating masterpeice comparable to the Mona Lisa in a timeframe that won’t make us ‘wonder’… then you’re this guy.
[]A Copy Writer. If you have a passion for writing, and could turn our spittle-based, jumble jargon, half-sentences into readable masterpieces, then this is you.
[]A Marketing genius. If you take it on yourself to figure out the why, and can implement a winning strategy based on that why, we think we’ll like you.
[]A people person. If you can make our ideas sound as awesome as they really truely are and believe that could sell your old Mac to Steve Jobs, then we want you to know that we could use an enthusiastic PR person. See below.
[]A Venture Capitalist or Angel Investor. We think we’re pretty good at getting things done quickly. By no means, however, does that mean we skip on the quality. We only work with the best people and hold the highest standard of workmanship. However, as a start-up, there are times when our endeavors are bigger than our pockets. We’d love to hear from you if you’re looking to invest in the “next-big-thing”.
[]A Design/Development firm. WE LOVE YOU! You’re our cup of tea, and we would love to hear from you if you’re interested in partnering with other firms to develop in-house projects and share in the spoils.[/LIST]So, if you fit all of the above requirements and would like to chat, I’d like to read your introduction.
If you think you’re who we’re looking for, send me a PM. Include links to your portfolio and code samples, along with a copy of your current resume.
Lorren Biffin
Bluemill Media
We really are “we”. ONLY serious inquiries.