Blur effect

Do anyone knows how to make blur effect in flash 5? I hear that i need photoshop to do it, but do anyone know a simple program other than photoshop or those huge program? I just want to create blur effect only, thanks!

This may be an old post but I thought I would answer it. In order to make a blur effect in Flash, simply have two images, one with blur and one without blur. Then you can simply place the non blur image object behind the blurred image object, make sure you convert both images into symbols first. Then with the top image, using the timeline, change its opacity from 100 to 0, this will then give the illusion of blur, this is however for static effect if you need to know motion blur effect let me know.


that the point, i need to have 2 images. one clear one blur, but how do i make it blur in flash to have my 2nd image?

If you give me a second I will post a fla :slight_smile:

Right I have included the sample file (the image is just something I found on the net" - just for this example.

This same image effect could be a change in colour etc. No actionscript required, unless you use a simple stop action. The only downside to this effect is the increased file size, but for some of the effects you can generate itrs worth the little extra wait. I hope this is what you were after???

Although I do not use flash 5, this effect can revert back to older versions. Two layers one layer for blurred image. Second layer for no blurred image, and use opacity or alpha to fade to 0 and the blur takes place. Yes its an illusion but it works.