Blurry Fonts (HELP!)

I am making a graphic menu in ps and when I use it in my flash program and publish to html the fonts always get all blurry. I’m not even using custom fonts but fonts like impact and verdana. Please help if you know what I can do to fix this.

~ Seretha

look in totorials,I almoust solve the problem

I found only one tutorial on sharpening the look of the fonts and it doesn’t help…

Are you typing the text out in Photoshop or in Flash?

When you bring your image in from ps try breaking it apart in flash

*Originally posted by gfxguy *
**When you bring your image in from ps try breaking it apart in flash **

Is that you Jon?!?!?? hahahah :!:

I ‘wanted’ to type it in ps…

  • to gfxguy ----> break it up?

yeah after you type it out in PS, import the image into flash and break it apart by pressing Ctrl B.

I cheat and change mine to either html in flash or dynamic - works great for me.

I’ve found that pretty much all the images that I import to Flash from Photoshop will go blurry - that goes for pictures as well as fonts. I don’t think anything you import textwise will have the same clarity as text done in Flash.

Why not import the main graphic from Photoshop onto one layer, then write the text on a layer above, using Flash?