why is it that when i use certain fonts in flash they come out blurry but when i use it in like illustrator it isnt blurry.
Flash anti-aliasing. it’s a pain. just make sure all your text fits on exact pixels (eg. x 20, y 40 as opposed to x 20.3 y 40.8). if you’re using pixel fonts, they should come out very crisp. if you’re using normal fonts, that should reduce the amount of blurring that occurs :]
does the same go for photoshop cause come to think of it in photoshop, its a *****
In photoshop, you can adjust the antialiasing. When your text tool is selected, the text tool bar should appear at the top and there’s an option for the antialiasing. Take a look at the image attached to help you find it.
nice nice but as far as the antialiasing do i want it as smooth as possible or sharp as possible???
depends on the font. pixel fonts should be set to “none”, most other fonts look good as ‘sharp’