Border design

I was wondering how you can get an effect like the border on this web site:


using bevel&emboss, stroke and html tables i guess.

Yeah but when you resize the window the image resizes with it! I think he got some crrazy code going on. My websites always look empty though or something.

what do you mean resizes with it ???

if you mean it keeps the same border size then that’s why I said he used tables… check his html code, it ain’t too complicated to make… (especially if you have software like psp or ps to do the image slicing…)

that’s funkalicouse!

I don’t know how he made all the images get small when you resize the window… mabe he used background images? But they seem to be a little slow at refreshing…

yeh, it is a background image
(what he did is often used in forums and such for the banners)