Hi, how can i do a entrance page with a resizable background?, so it fits on any browser??
example? (and no, I’m not gunning for samples from your new ‘supah amazing’ website ;)). I think, (though, dont quote me) that generally you can’t resize the background, unless you have one background for each res and then you have a script to determine the users’ resolutions…
you could just have the smallest res (800x600 I assume?). Or whouldn’t that work?
*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**example? (and no, I’m not gunning for samples from your new ‘supah amazing’ website **
ahahahahaha :bad:
like electrongeek´s entrance page, that thing is also on 2advanced…
if your splash page is vector (no bitmaps), then simply make it 100% of width and height… it will be slightly slower on larger res, but that will solve it…
post an example of wut u are reffering to
[size=1]whispers Pssst! he can’t! it’s a secret! ;)[/size]
nah…I know ES is a secret…but like where he has seen it b4…he referenced 2a but I dont get what he is talking baout
*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**[size=1]whispers Pssst! he can’t! it’s a secret! ;)[/size] **
[SIZE=4]enough!!! [/SIZE]
are you going to show them some examples or not?
this image, is repeated until it reaches the edge of the browser
(this is on eg’s site)
and on 2advanced…
*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**are you going to show them some examples or not?**
oooooh! like that! well… if it’s like EG’s one, then you just make it 1 pixel thick and set it as the table background - then assign the width you need for the page
and it wont appear on all the background repeatedly,?
nono, just use it as a bg-image in a table cell
ok… i’ll try that…
Yup pretty much what he said.
You set html table borders width to 100% and you put this image, usually 1-5 pixels thick as your background image.
On higher resolutions, the html just repeats the background image (which is only a few pixels thick) but it gives an awesome effect of the entrance page graphics “extending”.
If you need instructions (not saying you…but if) then ask i will tell you how to do that.
yeah make a table with 3 cols 1 row. The table dimensions should be 100% wide and however tall you want it. now the 1st td set its width to 50% set the middle td to lets say 300px, now the last td make it 50%… In the 2 td’s with 50% as the width place a bgrd image in the tag… Be sure to set you top, left, right and bottom margins to 0px, in the body tag or CSS. If you need the code let me know but I think you’ll learn better if you take my steps and do it.
*Originally posted by Alucard_X *
If you need instructions (not saying you…but if) then ask i will tell you how to do that.
i’m not so good on html, so yes… i need some instructions please…
*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
**yeah make a table with 3 cols 1 row. The table dimensions should be 100% wide and however tall you want it. now the 1st td set its width to 50% set the middle td to lets say 300px, now the last td make it 50%… In the 2 td’s with 50% as the width place a bgrd image in the tag… Be sure to set you top, left, right and bottom margins to 0px, in the body tag or CSS. If you need the code let me know but I think you’ll learn better if you take my steps and do it. **