Borderless flash

is there a way, that no matter what size your flash document is and no matter what resolution the viewer is viewing at, that the the window will always be borderless? i guess my question is:

I have a flash page that is 800x600. i have my resolution on my monitor set at 1024x768. when i publish my page, i see huge borders on my right and left margin. i tried setting the dimension width and height at 100% under Publish Settings.i also tried messing with the HTML alignment, the Scale, as well as the Flash Alignment under the same Publish Settings menu.

any ideas? thanks AGAIN!

Well first… Your site should be around 750x450 or so for us 800x600 viewers.

Second, in the HTML file that holds your movie you need to add margin removers in your body tag, like this…


This will remove all borders of your HTML document.

hey beta,

when i do this and preview it, it opens up in an explorer window that doesn’t cover my monitor.then when i open up the window to fully cover my monitor, there a huge wide margin on the right side of the screen.?

Can you upload the example to a server and post a link so I can see?

There should be no reason there is a margin on your right side with the code above.

jtodap, did you specify the height and width in your embad tag?
Your embed tag on your page should look something like this:

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
 codebase=",0,0,0"classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,42,0"
 WIDTH="693" HEIGHT="500">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=Main2.swf>
<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
<PARAM NAME=menu VALUE=false>
<EMBED src="Main2.swf" quality="high" WIDTH="693" HEIGHT="500" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=""></EMBED>

Use that embed tag above inside your html page, just change the height and width to match those of your movie and replace “Main2.swf” with the name of your movie. Hope that helps. =)

He said he specified it as 100%x100% in the publish settings.

i think it has to do with the fact that i viewing at 1024x768 and the page is only 800x600… i’m doing everything but it’s not working…my server is down right now…can i send it to you thorugh email?

my inbox is almost at its max… so you won’t be able to send it to my mail :frowning:

Just to make sure… you are talking about the margin in the HTML page and not around the browser window right?

Because if you want the browser window to fill up the whole screen, that requires a bit of javascript and like 98% of web viewers hate full screen windows and close them and run like hell.

yeah thats what i was talking about…to fill the web browser…so then putting 100% will open the browser to the necessary size?

No, putting 100% for the movie will make the movie resize to fill the entire browser, but not make the browser fill the entire screen.

If you were talking about fullscreens, they are usually frowned upon, but you can get the script here…