my computer art class is not what it sounds like. its a beginers intro to photoshop. im bored as can be…so i opened up painter and sketched this real fast.(3min)
Too normal from what I am used to see from you
Its good, coulda used a bit more detail, but for a bordom piece who cares about detail
wow, you even have wacoms, where’s your school anyway ?
comon tell us what kind of noobs are there…
i mean why are the uses of teaching basic ps tricks since it seems everybody knows them…
*Originally posted by mlkdesign *
**wow, you even have wacoms, where’s your school anyway ?
comon tell us what kind of noobs are there…
i mean why are the uses of teaching basic ps tricks since it seems everybody knows them… **
Most of the people in my class had never even heard of photoshop before the semester started.
Thats sad… very sad…
Hmmmmmm…then why do u bother to join the class in the first place?
its a requirement. =/
LOL. Maybe u can help the others in the class who don’t know anything about photoshop.
*Originally posted by silverType *
**LOL. Maybe u can help the others in the class who don’t know anything about photoshop.**
I do this a lot.
hell, take over and teach for yourself!!
woow that’s cool! That head is in a perfects shape! You should add some colors and make it more detailed! That’s cool! Reminds me of the one I tried to do in 3ds max! (though it wasn’t, it isn’t and it never will be as cool as this one)