Hi Guys,
I have this following situation.
Basically, I want my balls to move around a border and bounce off the walls when it hit the walls.
I have this done up and working.
Here an example of what I had achieve
But upon hitting the wall, I want the balls to rotated to a reflect the correct direction also, this part I’m stuck =(
Please click on this link to have an idea of what I mean
The script is use is as follow:
onClipEvent (load) {
fanX = this._x;
fanY = this._y;
leftWall = 0;
rightWall = 600;
topWall = 150;
bottomWall = 400;
fanRadius = this._width/2;
distX = (Math.random()*3)-1.5;
distY = (Math.random()*3)-1.5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
fanX = fanX+distX;
fanY = fanY+distY;
this._x = fanX;
this._y = fanY;
// check right wall
if (fanX+fanRadius>rightWall) {
overshoot = (fanX+fanRadius)-rightWall;
fanX -= overshoot*2;
distX *= -1;
// check left wall
if (fanX-fanRadius<leftWall) {
overshoot = leftWall-(fanX-fanRadius);
fanX += overshoot*2;
distX *= -1;
// check bottom wall
if (fanY+fanRadius>bottomWall) {
overshoot = (fanY+fanRadius)-bottomWall;
fanY -= overshoot*2;
distY *= -1;
// check top wall
if (fanY-fanRadius<topWall) {
overshoot = topWall-(fanY-fanRadius);
fanY += overshoot*2;
distY *= -1;
The file can be download via this link
Any input? Thanks =)