Bouncing a ball off a wall object


I have created a flash AS3 file with two movieclips. One is a ball (ball_mc) and a wall (wall_mc). The ball bounces around off the outer walls of the stage, in horizontal lines.

The ball also changes direction if it bounces off the wall. However its not bouncing off the wall in the right direction?

Could anyone help me with this?

My code looks like this:

var dx:Number=3; //the amount the ball will move horizontally each frame
var dy:Number=5; //the amount the ball will move vertically each frame

this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,moveBall); // call the function moveBall every frame

function moveBall(event:Event): void 
    ball_mc.x=ball_mc.x+dx; //the ball moves horizontally
    if(ball_mc.x>stage.stageWidth - ball_mc.width || ball_mc.x<0)
    //at either the right edge or left edge
        dx=dx* -1; //change horizontal direction
        ball_mc.y=ball_mc.y+dy; //the ball moves vertically
        if(ball_mc.y > wall_mc.height - ball_mc.height || 
           ball_mc.y < wall_mc.y -ball_mc.height)
                    dy=dy* -1; 
            if(ball_mc.x > wall_mc.width - ball_mc.width || 
               ball_mc.x < wall_mc.x - ball_mc.width)
                    dx=dx* -1; 

    if(ball_mc.y > stage.stageHeight - ball_mc.height || ball_mc.y < 0) 
    //at either the top or bottom edge
        dy=dy* -1; //change vertical direction

