Getting braces costs anywhere from $1500-4000 dollars in the US. There was nothing particularly painful about getting braces, just some slight discomfort when they have your mouth stretched open putting them on:)
I had mine on for around 3 years (from my freshman year in high school to my junior year). You’ll want to get them by your freshman year in high school if you don’t want to worry about having them on for senior pictures, prom, etc.
One thing you might want to look into is something called Invisalign…they’re like these retainer-braces type things that are virtually invisible and removable (for eating only of course!). They sound really great…too bad they didn’t have that type of thing when I had mine
Well, the whole thing is usually braces, then some sort of retainer (sometimes 2), then you’re free.
putting the braces on is a really long process, it took me like 3-5 hours or something like that. here goes the proceess as accurately as i remember it:
<b>1.</b>the first day, you will probably get molds and impressions.;(
<b>2.</b>the second day is when the work really begins. first they clean your teeth, then they put caps on your 4 back molars.(this is done with a glue that tasted so nasty i almost threw up.:-/)
<b>3.</b>then they applied this blue liquid stuff all over my teeth. (i have no idea why)
<b>4.</b>the next part is probably the suckiest and longest. they keep your mouth open, and individually glue each bracket on. overall this takes a long time, and i seems longer cause you have to keep your mouth open.
<b>5.</b>now your almost done. they will probably fit you for wires, and tie your brackets to the wire. then they adjust it, and your mouth goes all crazy for a second, then its over.
i hope i gave an accurate description, and i dont mean to be frightening, but IMO, braces are worth it in the long run.
:P, haha, i never had to wear braces in my life (so far…) though it has been suggested. woe to braces. they say you don’t wear braces your entire life, but after they’re out you have to wear a retainer for a pretty long time…
i don’t think any dentistry is worse than having your molars taken out, oh the pain, the suffering…they sew the inside of your cheek over the hole where your molars used to be. it’s the worst…
Oh man, you ahve not reached the painful part. If you think having the tension hurts, then think again. The worst is when the wire starts creeping out from the ends. This happens after a few weeks. And they jab you like everytime you move your mouth.
None of you can compare to me and my freaking 6 YEARS OF BRACES! (I still have them on now -_-). But yeah, they’re a freaking hell in many different ways. When you get them tighened, you cant eat. When a wire pops out of place, you loose tons of skin and get huge scars in your mouth. I could go on and on, but I’ll leave the rest for you to find out. Good luck! :cowboy:
I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth surgically removed. That was some kind of ache. I survived that. I’m just wondering about braces. Back when I was younger and everyone was getting them, parents couldn’t see spending 3-5000 for them. Insurance didn’t cover it. So now that I’m older; I’m looking into it for myself.
Thank you all for answering my n00b braces questions.
geez:( im getting braces for a second time tomorow:( i had them on for about a year to fix an under bite and this time im going to have them for 2 years to straighten my teeth, i now i have to get a tooth pulled too!
I got my tooth pulled too, 6 to be exact. They just didn’t fell out, so the braces couldn’t be placed yet 'cause doesn’t make much sense straightening teeth which are going to fall out anyway.
Wait, now that I think of it… For one year the dentist has been saying “A few more weeks and you get them off” I was supposed to get them off before 7th grade ended, and 8th grade just ended now I:-)
i got a space in my teeth but so far it is closing on its own, and all of my teeth are straiting out. knock on wood all of my friends say they suck though.