
I got braces just yesterday, and they’re really crap. Not that they’re low quality, they’re just ennoying as h$ll. I can’t eat anything anymore, and when there is just a tiny little bit pressure on my teeth, it hurts like twenty elephants walking them.

Auch.:frowning: ;( :hangover: :sleep: :x

oh god! I didn’t they’re that awful! I know many ppl who have 'em… (they haven’t complained so I thought it’s nothing)
I’m happy I don’t have any!

points and laughs at you
all I can say is, good luck!

I had them for 3 years … and they are the worst thing that has happened to me.

I have braces !

In the first time yes it hurst so much !

But then its chill, but not normal like without !

I have my braces now about 1 year and half !

its good for your teeth, I think its good having it.

good luck :wink:

Braces will be worth it in the end. Women love an organized, white, smelling good smile :beam:

eh, don’t forget to wear your retainer when they take off the braces. I never did and my front teeth have a slight gap now… :frowning:

i get my braces off in about a month and im sooo happy because i got them on in 6th grade, and i just finished 9th grade, so thats a really long time. :slight_smile:

yeah I had mine on for about 3 years also. My sister had hers for 5 and my cousin had hers for 8 I think…

her teeth were reeeeeeeally messed up.

haha the worst is when u get them tightened every month… o boy…

I had them on for about 2 years, and they are worth it. It will be annoying for a while, but you’ll get used to it in a few days. When they take those things off, now, that just feels awesome :wink:

i dont wear my retainer… :trout:
for a bunch of reasons. but my 2 front teeth are fake, so if I do get a slight gap, its easy to fix. :smiley:

viper, how’d you end up with 2 fake teeth?:chinaman:

The most important part of braces is wearing your retainer. I learned the hard way. My teeth look almost exactly as they did prior to braces (which is not that bad anyway), because i didn’t wear my retainers faithfully. Learn from others’ mistakes.

yeah um, my teeth are perfectly aligned. i’m lucky.

but do you floss regularly?


The pain is 85 % gone, yaay ! Although I bend a wire. ****.

hey viper i got fake front teeth too - cos i ‘ate’ the angle of a pool once. And lost 1tooth1/2… I really did look dumb.
anyway i dont know whats going on w/ people’s teeth these days, we get more and more people complaning about braces and stuff… Hehe i guess braces are hype…

I got my dad’s big beautiful white teeth and my mom’s smaller jaw. I need to get them sometime. How much did everyone’s cost? I mean on average. And what is the process like?

i think overall it costs like $2000 US or something like that, not too sure.

anyways, the process, are you talking about putting the braces on or the whole deal?