Britney Spears is a has been

So now in the news we can read that not only is she engaged to another one of her back-up dancers. The husband to be is awaiting the birth of his second child with another woman. So way to go stealing the babies daddy away Brittney. Not only that Brittney is pregnant her self. Way to go future husband knocked up two different girls at the same time!

Brittney is the poster child for middle-america redneck culture. She’s never been that beutiful, she’s just been slutty hot and not she’s just gone slutty.

and that’s my 2 cents.

she can sing, just not worthy of SuperStardom.

That requires a bootylishious body, and the correct PR agent.


She can sing well, but not anything special. Come to Hollywood. There are 100 girls just as pretty as her and can sing just as well all waiting out there for their big break.

She isn’t a hasbeen here, she has garnered quite a few responses. good or bad responses equal good.

I’m not sure it’s a very relevant comparison :smiley:

Anyway, I think she’s still popular in France. I’m not absolutely sure, though :slight_smile: