Britney Spears!

haha ok, I don’t think any one really complained or had any problems with it. I just thought you’d like to know :wink:

Kirupa :ninja:

Don’t worry, you didn’t hit a nail, and I don’t hate Britney. I might not love her music, but I do think she does entertain well. She seems to be enjoying what she’s doing, even though people disagree with what she wears or her choices, etc. More power to her I say. I guess I forgot to place the obligatory tongue sticking out smiley to indicate that I’m not standing on a soap box protesting whole-heartedly, here you go -> :stuck_out_tongue:

And I didn’t claim Jessica Alba was an excellent actress - comparatively, Dark Angel and Alba altogether is just not that popular. Now I’m not claiming her to be some counter-culture cool icon either. I was saying nothing more than the fact that I personally find her entertaining and yes, I think she looks good (gasp - sell out! :P). I’m not looking for deep meaning or anything when I’m watching her - is that wrong? Can I eat a candy bar now and then simply because it tastes good even though it has no nutritional value?

I also had a dream about Britney Spears once, if I go into explicit details I shall be banned from the forum! nuff said, and I don’t even think she’s hot!

Ooops I did it again…

I played with your heart…

…got lost in the game…

hint: (this post could go on for a long time) :rambo:

&lt/Darth Vader>Give into the DARK SIDE!<Darth Vader>

RenGirl…are you trying to tell alex you are his father, heheh just playin around with the darth vader thing a little…and I like the blue lightsaber better, I’m not a red fan so I am gonna stay on the light side!

You got me dan!

Alex: who’s yo daddy? :stuck_out_tongue:

I like being a mod in this forum cause all the other mods know to have fun…maybe its cause we are young, some of us are immature, or because we need to let loose from scripting a lil bit…I really don’t care why but I’m just glad we don’t have a too strict of a forum where u can’t have fun! Thanks for being another cool mod rengirl, oh ****…now I am getting emotional again :stuck_out_tongue:

{ hands dan a jumbo-sized box of kleenex }


Oh stop it…I am getting all misty eyed booooooohhhooooooooooo…:~(

About the young thing…well ====> Alex not so young anymore

I could be potentially be Ren’s Father Dan not the other way around :wink:

Oh I wanted to respond to teh cake idea on the other thread…hey Ren are you busy this weekend HAHAHAHA

I may be somewhat mature in age but not in aditude :wink:

Life is too short, my business is too serious and cut throat dog eat dog competitive, so I need to keep reminding myself there is some sort of silly out there in this Dark Gloomy world of Brittney Spears and Boy band dolls…YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH BAAAAAABY!!! She is not Britney Spears its a MAAAAAAAN BAAAAAAABY!!!

<Brit accent>She is a little “man-ish.”</Brit accent>

Oh behaaaaaaaaavvvve…

I vote that this thread makes it into the Best of Kirupa!

Has anyone seen Goldmember??? I’m not in a particular hurry to see it. I’m a little unimpressed by this Foxy Cleopatra. I like Beyonce Knowles but her character in the new Austin Powers seems too “token black sista.” Actually, there really are no other worthy Austin Powers babes besides Liz Hurley.

But I do want to see it purely because of the antics of that Mini-me.


Now you got my attention!!!

I HATE Beyonce…“hate” is a word I usually don’t use, but she always puts herself infront of the group alienates the group members…every group interview its always about her, I feel bad fo rth others. AND, she is “NOT” an actress. I am pissed that they chose her.

I loved Hurley in teh first movie!

I always thought Austin Powers was a ridiculous, stupid pieces of work that reflects Americas stupidity. But I watched this movie once out of boredom and when Hurley came into the picture, she gave the Austin Powers character deoth and chram, because it wasn’t so silly anymore with her, she brought a level of sicereity to it…she is great…what a shame she has a guy already :wink:

But anyways…that’s that…

I wont bite…haaaaaaard

so your saying that you dont like anyof the Austin Powers Movies
except for the first 1 (oh thats just wrong)(completly and utterly wrong!)(…how …! can you not like Austin Powers?!)
im done?!..!

Well, I can’t speak for Alex… but I personally like Austin Powers but I ONLY like the FIRST Austin Powers babe (Liz Hurley). I liked the second one too (the movie that is, not the babe)… but I heard that after that, it gets really redundant. Thus I am not too excited to see the third.