I hate girls… just thought everyone should know… I think it’s a tragedy that they were ever allowed to think on their own. Once we are in a relationship we should override all thought in the relationship!!!
I hate girls… just thought everyone should know… I think it’s a tragedy that they were ever allowed to think on their own. Once we are in a relationship we should override all thought in the relationship!!!
Thinking the way you do… no thanks.
hm… I wasn’t serious, just wanted to vent is all
Not only does your signature suck, but your rants do too
wtf is this about ? :huh:
just a wave that will pass soon right ?
All i have to say is . … .
No seriously, i’m sorry you are having girl trouble but there is no need to take it out on one half of the entire species. :sure: Just think, if girls weren’t allowed to think on their own then you might not be here. Hey, come to think of it . . .
just kidding
lunatic… you’re funny hehe
I try :love:
^^^lol lunaticC:-)
[COLOR=Red]Do not bypass the forum language filter[/COLOR]
And that is THE most intelligent answer you will get today. :sigh:
And you say GIRLS shouldn’t be allowed to think? Looks like the guys already beat us to it . . .
You sunk my battleship.
:lol: awesome
he probly thinks your a guy luna lmao :lol: I love it and girls are a necessary evil just like us men are for them :lol: :thumb:
jump on the other boat and get yourself a nice boy then
Maybe you haven’t find the right one for you
**AND MEN ARE JUST AS BAD:smirk2: ; **
In a shocking turn of events, the resident cross-dresser takes a neutral stance :lol:
It had to be said grim :beam:
:lol: :lol: - the matching Sig was awesome.
ROTFLMAO :lol: fes you crack me up bro but it is true
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