Britney Spears!


I’m just being my normal controversial self…

SPAM away…

it gives me a chance to drag out more SPAM pix…



I am serious when I say SPAM AWAY…

I am not serious when I say I am a SPAM cop…

[SIZE=1]::put the beer down::[/SIZE]



my last post was not a joke, except for the beer statement…


I don’t have a problem with anyone spamming Random at all. Plus, it is not my place to make any rules, I just try to keep the place from obscene images/warez, etc.


LOL rev… i know that! i was just joking you… i made you spam 5 replies in less than 10min. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Hehe look what I did… :beam:

I’m funny… I am… I AM!

  • Soul :goatee:


Foi um serviceing de prazer você.

sorry for the bad Portugese…


but not that much coz i think i got your meaning (-: :stuck_out_tongue:

are you trying to say:

has been a pleasure to serve you

if it was you should write this:

foi(has been) um(a/one) prazer(pleasure) servir(serve) você(you)

I was trying to say

“it was a pleasure serviceing you”


god you guys ruined a hillarious thread with Spam…utter spam…they had an intelligent but dead conversation going and you all ruined it…what does the thread being old have anything to do with it…is there a time limit on which a thread can be replied 2?? dam politics… :hat:

Its just annoying when old threads are dug up!

And its always you who does it!


  • Soul :goatee:

it was a pleasure serviceing you"
Naughty boy… :slight_smile:

what do you mean? i mean, what does he mean??

serviceing? is that a word? wasn´t serving or servicing??

i´m a lil confused :q: (-:

Kit is just making it sexual :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :goatee:

so rev, how are you doin? :wink:
did i tell ya how sexy you look on yer cooky outfit? huh baby? :cool:

*Originally posted by Guig0 *
**what do you mean? i mean, what does he mean??

serviceing? is that a word? wasn´t serving or servicing??

i´m a lil confused :q: (-: **

sorry, I was “under the influence” at the time and can not be held responsible for my spelling…

s/b servicing - I don’t know the Port word for it…

Kit: :beam:

[SIZE=1]::back off there thong boy, I don’t swing that way::[/SIZE]


er…me neither!!! :hair:

[SIZE=1]that was close…[/SIZE]

Kit is just making it sexual
Heh, this from the guy that stuck a flasher graphic on the thread? Bite me. :slight_smile:
serviceing? is that a word? wasn´t serving or servicing??
Um… Let’s just say that over here it has two meanings. One is perfectly normal, the other is slightly rude. :blush: