Britney Wants You

This is sooo messed up. I found this on

Its a clip from one of her songs. When you play it backways she says “sleep with me I’m not too young”

I reversed the clip myself and its not doctored at all.

Check it out.

Played Forward:

Played Backwards:

OMG that is awesome! lol

[edit] this is great… I cant get over this… Im just trying to figure out how they got it sounding so good :smiley: [edit]

oh man thats so cool :smiley:

how did someone notice that :h:

Im sure there are people out there playing all kinds of songs backwards just to find something like this.

guys im sry… but this song is dedicated to me :wink:
very nice find Fester

heard it on albinoblacksheep - they’ve got two or three other songs as well, the most famous one bieng stairways to heaven backward

wow, that is insane…it would be cool to hear a comment from the pop diva herself on this matter…

I thoug i posted something like this a few weeks ago…

lol,that´s funny and scary at the same time :smiley:

I tried a search :yoshi:

//berkoWitZ your new footer almost gave me a seizure. It just made my eye spazz bigtime :to:

that´s the idea :smiley:

Britney says, “I can’t believe you found that out!”

good stuff. i will be dreamin of britney asking me to sleep with her 2nite. :thumb:


now it doesn´t sound that hot :frowning:

What is up with that picture of britney? I mean I would still do things to her that can’t be spoken here, but what’s going on there?

hahhaahha that clip is hilarious!!!

this is more like it…

omg that’s too funny dude

Oh man, that picture is such a buzzkill! Thanks for ruining my wild fantasies Unflux…;(