Browse Files - component

Id like to know how to make a very simple script that uploads files to a server.

The file should be accessed by a “browse”-button in the .swf-file, and then put into a folder.

Thats it, nothing fancy.

here it is with HTML:

just find a component for flash that lets your browse and then go from there…

Thanks Jubba, that will take care of the PHP-part.

You dont happen to know where I can find a browse-component tutorial? I have a distinct feeling Ive seen one once before…cant remember where though :frowning:

Im wondering if anybody has written a Browse Files - component for Flash?

Just the usual textbox, and “Browse” button, that lets you search for files on your computer, and add the path to the textbox.

you cant really browse the local files on a computer, without the use of external ActiveX components which you cant even access directly from flash, and that most security settings on browsers would block, or prompt for permission…

Hmm, that sux :frowning:

Then Ill probably make a pop-up window and use the html-code that Jubba linked to for file-upload.

Ok, thanks for clarifying things