Browser compatability issues

why do different browsers read the same code differently?

this is so beyond me.

simple things like div tags or properties of an active x control … seem like when they’re created they would remain the same among all things that view them.

but noooooooo

microsoft has the lion’s share of the market with i.e. but there are users who, for whatever reason, want to use, netscape, mozilla, opera … or whatever.

it’s the bane of my existence as a web designer. I hate compatability issues … not to mention the differences between mac and pc

even flash actionscript which supposedly is great b/c it’s read the same across both platforms and on all browsers … i have a file that works fine on pcs but on macs it just sits there and does nothing … aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh

sigh all this ranting doesn’t amount to much except solice for any of you out there that have felt like you’re alone with your compatability issues.

note to the world: PICK A ******** BROWSER! just one … not twenty … that’d be nice

--------------end rant---------------

thanks for reading =)

Thanks for ranting =)

  • Soul :s:

*Originally posted by shuga *
note to the world: PICK A ******** BROWSER! just one … not twenty … that’d be nice

Yeah! Pick Opera browser!

haha, lol :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

i hope this browser wont be IE. I hate IE.