OK, I have ads that I made and the person who handles them told me this;
“I have opened both creatives in a browser window and clicked on them - a new
page would load but no new browser window would be launched. I don’t think
“_blank” or its like was implemented. I will email you a test page in about
two hours for you to have a look.”
Then wrote this;
“The popup creative opens the landing page inside of the popup parent frame,
and that is not supposed to be happening. (We are using DART code to host
your Flash creative, and this code has been working flawlessly for us so
far). The same thing happens if you simply open either popup or banner SWF
file in a browser window. Please have your Flash writers update the way the
click-through is setup in the FLA and consequently SWF files - we are not
able to make your campaigns live until this is fixed.”
I have no clue what he means because when I open the .swf file, either in Flash or by accessing it through My Documents, it opens up a new browser window, which is what we want. I think the problem is that he is placing my .swf files in his own browser, therefore messing it up. I dont know if thats it or not, but someone please help, I need this done today. Thanks a lot.