So I wanted to see why everyone love Firefox so much, so I downloaded it. Besides it being opensource (a plus always), and having a few features that IE doesn’t (like rendering my webpage correctly :upset: ), I don’t know if I’ll keep it. Maybe it will suprise me. I suppose even for just checking browsers it’s good to have. But I was wondering, what does everyone use as a browser, and why? What’s good/bad about it? I tried searching for this (I thought it MUST have been psoted already?) but can’t find it. Merge em if you find it, mods, cause I can’t
[EDIT]Oh, if anyone uses a browser that they think should be out in the poll, I will happily add it… oh wait I can’t find a way to do that, huh I’ve never posted a poll before, lemme know if there is a way thanks[/EDIT]