Hey everyone!
Just wondering, is there a way I can selectively hide myself from certain people on AIM while keeping my status active to another group of people? A lot of times, when I am working, I need to be able to talk to a few people, for example in a buddy list category called “Work”. At the same time, I need to hide myself from others in a group called “Fun”
Is there any such method in AIM or AIM add-on that works?
Oh I’ve dreamed of such a method. Instead I had to resort to created seperate screen names for such situations. It is quite a pain.
I am not sure if there actually is a method, but I don’t know of it if there is… other than going into your buddy list and actually blocking all the people you don’t want to talk to.
haha - I thought about blocking, but that would mean I would have to unblock after I am done. There isn’t a mass-block or mass-unblock feature, right? :evil:
you should use icq which has had that feature for YEARS
Actually ICQ blows. Dont use it.
I think the option now, for aim, is to have multiple usernames and to keep “groups” of people you want to be visible to under that user name and not tell anyone else about it… at least thats how we used to get around that. Now that aim features multiple signons in one session, it makes it a little easier. Its still a big pain though.
Yeah it is - because that would mean I’d need to IM about 30 people to use my new SN. I could put my new SN in an away message on my old SN, but that would mean that everyone else will get a hold of the new SN also
Anyone try the new AIM version? It sucks. I uncheck the option for the AOL Today window to pop up on sign on, but it still friggin pops up on sign on… and when i recheck the preferences, the checkbox is still unchecked!
And that stupid panel added onto it… yuk!
Plus they changed what the message window looks like… the new message window style is like the ghettofied AOL version of MSN Messenger.
And you have to pay to use the AIM Expressions!? Most the crap they offer isn’t even worth paying for! It’s ridiculous.
[edit]wow, sorry to of strayed this off topic… my sister just upgraded to the new version today and I hate it[/edit]
I use middle_man: http://middleman.krunchsoftware.com/index.php
It hides a lot of stuff in AIM which helps. Also, you can set yourself on Away and talk to people which is useful unless idiots still message you when you’re away. Also, there’s this ‘group’ feature it has, I haven’t tried it out yet.
What I do is just never actually use the “Away” feature, just tell people you’re away… tell them you’re back when you don’t mind speaking to them again If they keep bothering you when you’re “away” then just block them
you could go invisible and just let those who you want to talk to know you are available to talk… i wish they had that feature as well lol - way tooo many people trying to talk to me sometimes…