building up our react app using terminal in linux

Hi Kirupa
I just finished reading your book (Learning React , a hands on guide …). I enjoyed all of it and every thing, It was only the last page where I couldn’t build up my react app by typing “node_modules.bin\webpack.cmd” in my terminal. but instead it gave me an erro saying :"[webpack-cli] Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialized using a configuration object that does not match the API schema.

  • configuration.module has an unknown property ‘loaders’. These properties are valid:
    object { defaultRules?, exprContextCritical?, exprContextRecursive?, exprContextRegExp?, exprContextRequest?, generator?, noParse?, parser?, rules?, strictExportPresence?, strictThisContextOnImports?, unknownContextCritical?, unknownContextRecursive?, unknownContextRegExp?, unknownContextRequest?, unsafeCache?, wrappedContextCritical?, wrappedContextRecursive?, wrappedContextRegExp? }
    → Options affecting the normal modules (NormalModuleFactory).
    Did you mean module.rules or module.rules.*.use?
    could you help me fix this? :slight_smile: :slight_smile: