read this without laughing.
bush doll
I sure couldn’t
read this without laughing.
bush doll
I sure couldn’t
what a herb
[edit]sup with the webcam? you do dances? j/k[/edit]
how sad
I kinda want one.
*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**I kinda want one. **
webcam? server problems
*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**I kinda want one. **
just so you can mutilate it, riight?
I am one of a select few here that actually like my president
*Originally posted by fester8542 *
I am one of a select few here that actually like my president **
I don’t think he’s the best with economics, but I still like the way that when he makes a decision, he follows through.
yeah same here. and i hope he wins re-election cause all the other cannidets stink.
this would be fun to have. i bet phil has one on pre-order
Yes - more people who like him! My corner of the political world isn’t so lonely anymore
i would buy the doll just to do what i used to do to other figurines i hated.
i would use duct tape to crucify the doll and would draw 666 all over it. then i would take a picture, and post it somewhere i know it would be appreciated.
yes, i have to admit, i did this to the burger king mulan doll, and bush isn’t better.
yeah me too, i support Bush
i never new that there were people here that actually support Bush.
you like bush and have a stalin avatar.
You don’t get much more in terms of contradiction.
OK let’s make this the I-like-bush-thread.
I’m outta here…
exactly what i was thinking mlk.
although stalin did say “if you’re not with us, you’re against us”
and who else do i remember saying this?
oh yes, DUBYA
je deteste dubya, il est un idiot
just messing around with the stalin thing lol
i won’t start - because this isn’t the ordered forum - and because we had this discussion before about Bush…
but anyhow I hope people won’t buy these toys to worship them- but to use as voodoo dolls…
:puts one pin through dubya’s brain - doesn’t do anything. Strange!:
[SIZE=39]** BUSH[/SIZE]**
hey btw, your metal tutorial looks cool!
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