Bush Doll

i laughed a good time when I came across this one too:

*Originally posted by Yeldarb *
I don’t think he’s the best with economics, but I still like the way that when he makes a decision, he follows through. **

I’m with you! I am not a fan of all of his “normal” republican policies, economics and things but as far as his decision making etc…I think he doing one hell of a job with the situation he has been handed

I wouldnt mind one of those dolls either:)

That is one of the funniest signs I have ever seen! I guess they didnt really think about that before tehy drew it and sat on the curb wasting there time all day long!

*Originally posted by mlkdesign *
**i won’t start - because this isn’t the ordered forum - and because we had this discussion before about Bush…

but anyhow I hope people won’t buy these toys to worship them- but to use as voodoo dolls…

:puts one pin through dubya’s brain - doesn’t do anything. Strange!: **

Thats fine dude. You dont have to worry about it.

<B>He is not your President</b>


Why not a Clinton Doll? Or why not create a doll for an actual soldier, you know, someone who risks their life and fights in an actual war, as opposed to a president who plays ‘dress-up’ and struts around for photo oportunities??

“There he is, all faux manly and squinty and artificially buffed up, his gull-wing ears toned down and the thin-lipped brow-furrowed monkey confusion so common to his scrunched little face apparently erased.”

::takes doll away from Maj::

Leave my president alone…you big meanie


I’d buy one too. I like Bush like the other 7 people in the world. :m:

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**I want in this order;

1; A Tony Blair Doll

2; A michael Jackson Doll

3; And one of Jaques Chirac in Spandex muscle shorts

pj :stuck_out_tongue: **


*Originally posted by twitch *
**I’d buy one too. I like Bush like the other 7 people in the world. :m: **


he’s saying that very few people like bush…

Oh man … read it without laughing? Once I saw the picture I nearly fell off my seat with laughter!

I support Bush, but … it’s just funny that they have him in a flight suit. I kinda want one too - just to say I have one. I know there’s a talking Bill Clinton doll that’s out/coming out with such classic phrases as, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”

Gotta love American politics, if not for it’s purpose, then for it’s laughter

G.I. Bush my a**.

What the heck would be the point of the doll. So the little kids can burn them under a microscope and breathe in the toxic plastic smell?


Side note: T-O, I get a little red box on ur webcam.