I decided to start a website today to show my portfolio and other things. I want to do it in flash but I have only used it once or twice, Ive gone through tutorials and such already but I am having trouble finding info for this specific animation i want to do.
Please bare with me, in the top bar of my site i have a logo with a black box(graphic) and next to that are four buttons (graphics) with text on them. I want to be able to do a mouse over animation where once the mouse is on, the graphic fades to white and individual letters from the black box in the logo come and rewrite the word. So for example, one button is a graphic that says about and when the mouse is over that, the graphic will fade to white, and animated letters will rush in from the left and re-spell about in its place. I hope this is making sense.
I made the button and for “UP” i have the graphic as is and the letters hidden in the black box and for the “OVER” i have a white shape covering the graphic and the letters have spelled it out. I thought I would just be able to add a motiontween but I am still learning.
Could anyone with more experiance in this point me in the right direction or help me out?