Button check question

Hey guys,

I know someone here must know how to help me with this.

I have a client I am doing an interactive course for. One of the pages is going to have a giant picture of a machine with buttons all over it. When you click the button, it opens up a popup window with a closer view of that part and explains what it does. (I can do all this)

Here is the problem. The client does not want anyone to be able to move forward in the course (via a button) without first clicking on all the buttons beforehand. So I would need a “next button” that would know if all the buttons were checked. If not, a popup (in flash) asking them to do so, and if so, they can move along as normal. This I don’t know how to accomplish.

BONUS: if you can make the buttons stay a different color once it is clicked on (like from red to green)

Any help would be MUCH appreciated.

P :slight_smile: