The first one: Usually requires the use of another movie clip, placed over the button. It’s invisible until triggered by the mouse moving out, whereby the AS tells it to ply, showing the fade…
The second one: Use an onRollOut() action, and inside target the required movie clip using the dot notation, eg: [AS]on (rollOut) {
The second one: Use an onRollOut() action, and inside target the required movie clip using the dot notation, eg:
[AS]on (rollOut) {
Wasn’t it on mouse over ? not mouse out ? Or am I just losing my common sense ( could be cuz I just put it in the freezer dumb browser DIE !)
You’ll have to make a textbox for that, give the var & instance name textbox and apply the code I gave ya to the button for that I think. Right ? Cuz Kit got me all confused.