**Button help...on release..movie clip**

Well, I’m working on my portfolio site, and Im working on the links right now. I have a link “home” heres the script for it.

on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {

I have also made a movie clip on a different layer, that I want to play when you click on the “home” button. the movie clip is called home_page

I thought the correct code would be this

on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {

It says no script errors, but it fails to work. Can anyone help me? I hope to have my site up by this weekend.

Thanks in advancedd.


Sorta in a rush.

ahhhhh come on. everyone said this was “the place” to post if you need flash help. i’m really in a huurry to finish this site.

did you put home_page as the instance name of the movie clip

not sure what you mean? the movie clip is named home_page, and if you mean the frame label? I tried that and it didn’t work.

I think he is refering to “instance name” which you can find under “properties”. Without an instance name you won’t be able to reference to your button in actionscript.

post the fla

Well in that case, yes it does.

Is that file being uploaded into another one?
If it is… remove _root. from your script.

Also, if you can, post your file.

ehh, I’m kinda nervous about posting my .fla, but o well. I need the help (had an incident a while back, where I posted a .fla in a forum and a kid started telling people it was his…etc)

Let me upload it to my server.


ok, there it is. The movie that comes in at the beginning with news…etc I want that always to play when you click on “home”


Save it for FlashMX…

it is saved for flashmx…

Looks like it’s saved for MX2004.

Whoops, you were right.

Here it is for mx


Okay, you want: When the Home Button/Movie Clip is clicked, you want the Movie Clip on “home-page” (layer) to play? Is this correct?

Okay, I made the changes, however I can’t post it here (too big) can I email it to you?

And I could see why you wouldn’t want to post a file, especially one this big and with this much stuff on it. Next time you might want to email it to someone instead. :wink:

awesome, thanks dude. umm yeah that’s why i didn’t want to…do you have AIM, MSN, ,or YIM>?

need to get back to work, please come back :frowning: