Button linking to new scene

Just doing a beginning project, but I’m having a hard time controlling scenes.

I’ve converted a graphic that i imported into a button. And put this action script on it to go to a certain scene.

on (press) {

This button should make the movie go to scene 2, frame 1, but its just not workin
Background info:
The first scene is jsut a short intro where a couple buttons finally come up in a keyframe. In the keyframe itself, I have a stop action so the main scene doesnt loop. And on each button I have the action that i wrote above, to go to certain scenes depending on which button i click. Am i totally setting this up wrong structurally? Do i need to put any kind of “Reset” action if i want to go back to a previous scene. Also, in each scene, I have a mouse hide and replace action, could this have anything to do with it?

thanks in advance