does anyone know hwo to create a button, which can link to other .swf files? i think this is the problem why the full flash site i am creating can’t have any navigating in it…thx for your help…
Are you loading the .swf files in, or are you going to the .swf file?
If you are going to it, yes you can, but I highly recommend embedding your .swf file into an html page and linking to the html page.
i’m pretty sure i am ‘going to’ and not loading in. i’ve just noticed that i can create buttons in flash 5 but they dont’ seem to work in flash mx are they created differently? thx for your help btw
You can create buttons in both Flash 5 and Flash MX the same way.
If you are going to something then just use a getURL.
on (release) {
Something like that.
do you know how kirupa made his buttons for this tutorial…?
cause thats sorta what i’m following except it doestn’ work very well…thx
He tells you on page 2 of that tutorial.
It uses loadMovie.