Button question [renamed]


i am new at ths forum, but istill know how to use flash, but not too much in actionscript.

Thus, i have a problem that i cant solve.

I have a button that is actually a MC but it performs a function as a button(its more flexible whaen it is a MC).
So i have a script written in “Scence 1” for the button on an empty layer in a last keyframe which works. Here is the script:

this.app_mc.onRollOver = function() {

this.app_mc.onPress = function() {

this.app_mc.onRollOut = function() {

AS you see “app_mc” is my MC button :slight_smile: . Noe in my firs part of my script it goes to the rite frame, preformes the rite function but it stops at the end of “_over” , but i want it to repeat again from that frame.

Please i need help in doing that i can’t fgure out how. :frowning:

P.S. I tried going in to the “app_mc” itself and try an “if” tatment or this.app_mc.gotoAndPlay("_over"); , but it didn’t work. Please help SOS.