Button rollover help need

i have an external movie that is loaded into the main.swf in a preloader transition. In this external movie i have a drag rollover on the buttons. when you view the external movie the drag rollover works fine and shows the popup message but when you view the main.swf which loads the external movie it will show everything except when you go over the buttons it wont play the popup message.
i think it has to do with the telltarget on the buttons.

Could some be kind enough to have a look.

Thanks :smirk:

Hey guys is there some reason why i can’t seem to get a answer on this thread???

Try using m1.play() and m1.startDrag(true) instead of the telltarget. It used absolute addressing.

Hey voetsjoeba thanks for your response. Im having a bit of problem chaging the AS so i have posted it, if you dont mind showing me what needs to be changed. Thanks

on (rollOver) {
startDrag(“m1”, true);
tellTarget ("/m1") {
on (release, rollOut) {
tellTarget ("/m1") {

on (rollOver) {
on (release, rollOut) {


Hi voetsjoeba the AS code works fine if im view it in flash player. But when i upload it to Dreamweaver every thing works except the rollover action. it wont show the popup measseage!

That’s weird. I don’t have any experience in Dreamweaver, so it might be a bug. Try testing it in a HTML published file trhough Flash (CTRL+F12)

Hi voetsjoeba sorry to be a pain! I tried it in html published and it works fine. What i think the problem is that i’m using a preloader transition in the main.swf and this button rollover sits in a external swf that is loaded into the main.swf preloader transition. I hope you can understand what i mean.

p.s The problem is when it’s played in a preloader transition in the main.swf

Hmn … I can’t tell for sure, can I see your files ?

Ill try and post them. they might be a bit to big here goes.

Hey voetsjoeba i got it to work. I don’t know how but it works with the AS code that you altered.

Big thanks for your help.