Mouse over in a transition wont work


Could some please change this AS code so that it will work in a transition, as i cantseem to get the hang of AS coding.

Thanks heres the AS Code

on (rollOver) {
startDrag(“m1”, true);
tellTarget ("/m1") {
on (release, rollOut) {
tellTarget ("/m1") {

hey guys i realy need some help to get this to work

Post your fla.


Maybe i did not explain very well

Its like this i have a rollover that is in an external movie which this movie is loaded into a transition. the rollover button works fine when u view the external moive on its own. but when its viewed in the main movie in a preloader transition it does not work. i think that the as code in the rollover need some adjustment so that it will work when played in the preloader transition.

on (rollOver) {
startDrag(“m1”, true);
tellTarget ("/m1") {
on (release, rollOut) {
tellTarget ("/m1") {

hey guy’s come on i realy need some help on this
