How do I create a button that when it’s clicked it stays highlighted? I understand how to make the rollover effect and how to make a MC-Button.
Can someone show me or lead me in the right direction?
How do I create a button that when it’s clicked it stays highlighted? I understand how to make the rollover effect and how to make a MC-Button.
Can someone show me or lead me in the right direction?
Best way to do it is with a movieclip… when I was learning flash I wondered how newground had those animated buttons when you roll over’d the button heh
highlighted meaning the 3rd frame of your button? just put a stop(); on the frame…
[edit] sorry didn’t know AS cannot be applied inside a button [/edit]
put this INTO your MC button
and give it some unique name (to each!)
onRelease = function() { = _name
onEnterFrame = function() { == _name ? nextFrame() : prevFrame();
Check out the example posted on this thread, they’re pretty basic, but they do the trick. =)
Thanks everyone.!!!
I checked the example on the the threa above, but I still can’t get the button to stay highlighted when clicked.
What am I missing???
Post your file so I can see what you’ve done so far.
I am using the fla from the previous thread…
Please help this is driving me crazy
in your mc button use this with frame one as the normal frame and frame 2 as the rollOver frame
else if (!pressed){this.gotoAndStop(1)}
I must be an idiot. I can’t get it to work.
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