I’m not too experienced with AS, so here we go…
OK, on the attached fla I have an “invisible” button (button with 0 alpha). I copied a script from the tutes section that will allow me to open a new window when the button is clicked (another rip from a forum question :esmirk: ).
This works OK, but I also have a MC below the button layer and this MC has some AS attached to it which basically makes it fade out to the image on the bottom layer.
It seems to me that the button script makes the MC script stop working because it’s above the MC layer (I’ve switched the button layer below the MC layer and the fade out then works, but the button doesn’t :hair: ).
How can I get both scripts working together? I know that MC’s can’t work like buttons, but is there a work around this?
PS. Don’t forget, I’m an AS n00b!