Buttonless Scroller ActionScript Help Needed

I hope someone can help me with this cos it’s drivng me nuts.

I’ve been following the tutorial on flashkit to create a buttonless scroller (http://www.flashkit.com/tutorials/Interactivity/Non-Butt-Adam_Lem-909/index.php)
so that I can create pages that will load into a movie Clip in my sites main swf.

The problem I have is that when I load the swf I create using the tutorial, the rollover doesn’t work and it just sits there motionless. I have a feeling that I need to turn it into RollOver actions instead of a defined space in the actionscript. Can anyone confirm this is what I need to do, or is there another solution. I’ve already had a go at trying to “convert” the tutorial, but the rollovers just don’t seem to work.

I’ve tried altering the actionscript (by using the principles of a rollover button script) to accomodate my rollover buttons but am getting nowhere with it. With my actionscripting not being my greatest asset, I just can’t figure it out how to do it.

Here’s the actionscript from the tutorial…
[INDENT]Tutorial ActionScript Code:
[FONT=Courier New][LEFT] //setting the variables for the script;
_root.scrollerName = _root.scrollerClip;
_root.left = 0;
_root.innerLeft = 50;
_root.right = 609;
_root.innerRight = 559;
_root.top = 0;
_root.bottom = 395;
_root.minXposition = -1200;
_root.maxXposition = 0;
_root.idleScrollSpeed = 0;
_root.overScrollSpeed = 5;
//if the scroller has gone to the end, switch directions;
if (_root.scrollerName._x < _root.minXposition) {
_root.scrollerDirection = “right”;
} else if (_root.scrollerName._x > _root.maxXposition) {
_root.scrollerDirection = “left”;
if (_root._ymouse < _root.bottom && _root._ymouse > _root.top) {
//checking to see if the mouse is in the left area, if so, continue;
if (_root._xmouse > _root.left && _root._xmouse < _root.innerLeft) {
if (_root.scrollerName._x > _root.maxXposition) {
} else {
_root.scrollerName._x = _root.scrollerName._x + _root.overScrollSpeed;
} else if (_root._xmouse > _root.innerRight && _root._xmouse < _root.right) {
if (_root.scrollerName._x < _root.minXposition) {
} else {
_root.scrollerName._x = _root.scrollerName._x - _root.overScrollSpeed;
} else if (_root._xmouse < _root.left or _root._xmouse > _root.right) {
if (_root.scrollerDirection == “right”) {
_root.scrollerName._x = _root.scrollerName._x + _root.idleScrollSpeed;
} else if (_root.scrollerDirection == “left”) {
_root.scrollerName._x = _root.scrollerName._x - _root.idleScrollSpeed;
} else if (_root.scrollerDirection == “right”) {
_root.scrollerName._x = _root.scrollerName._x + _root.idleScrollSpeed;
} else if (_root.scrollerDirection == “left”) {
_root.scrollerName._x = _root.scrollerName._x - _root.idleScrollSpeed;

[/INDENT]Basically, I can’t figure out how to convert that to make it work via roll over buttons, or similar such action that would allow it to work when loaded into another swf.

My apologises if it is an easy problem to fix, but it’s frustrating the hell out of me and would appreciate any help.
