Scroller questions, please help

Hi there,

I am trying to figure out how to make a scroller with animated buttons in it instead of text. The tutorials I’ve found seem to only be for text scrolling though. Is it the same type of deal that a text scroller uses or is it something different?
I would like the animated buttons in the scroller to open external swf’s. Does anyone know off the top of their head any tutorials where I can see how this is done so I can teach myself?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.


Don’t exactly know any tutorials, but…
You can use the component tha came with Flash (scroller, I believe). Put that onto the stage, and alter the size to what you would want (with the stretch/skew tool). In the handler parameter, enter “x”, where x is whatever you want. In a frame, insert this actionscript:


. Glad to be of help.

Thanks for the help! I will try that out!