Buttons and movie clips

Hi all. I will keep it simple. Ok so I am still trying to find the better solution to achieving the results. What I am trying to accomplish is when hovering over a button. for the movie clip to play. May sound odd, have a look at an example http://www.truvasolutions.com/index_english.html
I am trying to create something similar, and have managed to get it to look the same and act the same, although I used an invisible button with an action script causing the button to fade out to its original state. Sometimes depending on the speed of the mouse it is unreliable. Can anyone let me know a better alternative to my problem. Thank you to anyone that can help.

Trevor Saint

have a look at the fla attachment for a clearer idea :slight_smile:


Thanks for that, I will be sure to check out waht you have done. If you can spare the time, I have one more request that you may be able to help me out with. I have achieve text coming in from the left pausing for a few moments and zooming off using ease and motion tween. But what I cannot achieve is where the text comes in fast and moves slightly for a few moments and then speeds off. My attempt works but stops and then gradually moves. do you have the solution. an example would be : http://www.starkcreativestudio.com/home/


I think they just motion tweened it :slight_smile:

yes I agree with that, but the problem I have is the pause, their pause seems to blend perfectly, whereas mine stops for a split second :frowning:

Try playing around with easing the tween, I’m pretty sure you’ll get it smooth then :slight_smile:

Ok well I will have another attempt, but I am sure I have tried and tried tweaking it, but I am going wrong somewhere, are you sure AS is not required??

Ok I managed to get the same effect. The mistake I was making was I was creating the motion tween in sections, rather than creating a key frame adjusting the text, creating a new key frame and adjusting the text and so on and then selecting all of the keyframes and creating the motion tween.

Well it seems to work great, with a long pause and then the text speeding off. Thanks for your help. :slight_smile:


welcome :thumb:

I am experiencing problems with your techneque. It works for one button, but if applied to more the effect fails, even if I chance the instances and properties in the rollover and rollout actions

any ideas