Fading in buttons

Ok I’ve been trying to figure out how this was done :-\

the buttons at the bottom of the window


notice how they fade in and stay on as you highlight them…how is this done?

Ive been trying to make a movie for it and have it fade in when you hover your mouse over it…its not really workin yet :-\

Might anyone know where I can find a tuturial on this? :q:

thanks :slight_smile:

Give me your msn or AIM
And ill help you and if you dont have one il help you anyWay right here.

Ill have an example at the end of this tut.

(1) Make the button you want but dont convert it to a Button convert it to a MovieClip

(2)Now make a tween of the button fadding in and out.

(3)Now in the first frame of the main timeLine
put this code

button.onRollOver = function() {
    button.onRollOut = function() {

(4)In the buttons Timline put a stop action on first frame and stop action at the last frame.
Now were the fading in ends put a stop action there to.

If you see the FLA you’ll underStand alot better.

ahhhh ive tried but im stuck :frowning:

my AIM s/n is DJ LIQUID

onClipEvent (load) {
this._alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._alpha += 5;
if (this._alpha >= 100){
this._alpha = 100;

heres the code to make a Movie Clip fade in