Buttons in the movie clip dont work. HELP :(

I am trying to make a menu.

The buttons (which are mc) at the topmost level (on the blue bar) work fine. But the ones that appear on the ‘Products’ rollover (red bar) dont work?

Right now I have only give a link to the ‘audio’ button.

Can anyone help me out with this?

I want the buttons / links on the red bar to work.

checked your fla, but cant get the red buttons to work either i redid the hit area, placed instances on all your movie clips, and still no luck on getting the red part to work, make sure you dont assign actions to the graphics in fireworks if yu did this could be a problem. Dont assing actions to the movie clips directly place a layer on the top most level and name it actions and place all your actions on that layer. Im attaching a sample of how to get the actions working by placing them on the actions layer so you can have an idea of how to get it working


Hello grimdeath,

First of all, sorry for the late reply. Been at home the past few days and my iE just wont let me log in to the forums?!?!? Keeps asking me for l/p all that time. Anyway,

Thanx a lot for replying. Atleast I got an answer. I will try and do as you said. Will have to break my head on it I guess coz the rest of the website is almost done and I am now stuck coz of this menu problem. Stuck bad :*( . In any case if you have the time to check it out more or find a work around for it please do notify me.

I didnt know about this ‘giving all the actions on 1 frame (INCLUDING buttons in an actions layer’ thing. Pretty cool. Thanx a lot for the tip

I am pretty new with AS so I will try to see what I can do with this. I hope I can make it work.

Thats what I was goin to post originally. I just redid the whole menu again thinking that I did something wrong earlier on. And NO, I havent added any actions in fireworks. Just simply did the grafix / layout there. NOW, I gave instances to all the clips like u said. The funny thing is that when I didnt give these buttons any tweens, the links worked fine. As soon as I animated the buttons with fade-ins they stopped working :q:

U can download the untweened file from here:


After adding the tweens the functions dont seem to work:


Please let me know if anything is possible