Movie clips and the buttons inside them problems

Hello. I have recently run into a problem. I have been designing a new webpage and began using a new technique of creating roll over menus by creating movie clips with the code of :

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
} else {

as an action. The problem I have run into is that when I put buttons inside the movieclip, the actions for the buttons don’t seem to work. The little hand comes up meaning that the cursor sees it as a button, but still won’t go to the scene I want it to when clicked. If anyone has any suggestions on how I can get the buttons to work inside the movie clips, I would greatly appreciate it.


are you addressing the correct timeline?

I pu the action on the button inside the movie clip. So I’m putting the action in the movie clip timeline. How can I put the action for a button that doesnt appear until the end of a movie clip in the main timeline?
Thanks for the help,