Buttons not appearing

heres the scenario
I have a flash movie… when you click a button it loads an external swf into an empty movie clip. This external swf has buttons in it.

The Problem
The buttons in the loaded swf do not show up with the other content in that swf. It does work all the time on my computer but not when posted on the net.

To see it
go to http://www.thisislondonclub.com/Data/Thisislondon/index2.asp
and check out the scrollable menu in the gallery section. When you click on a button in the menu it loads an pictures to the left of it. Buttons are supposed to appear below it. If you click the button a few more times to reload the pics the buttons eventually come back.
This problem can also be seen on another site of mine www.zephn.com

My question is
is this normal?

Hummm, strange can you post the fla??

unfortunalty the main fla is 3.7 megs and the main movie is 6.67 megs zipped.
if you have the time i could post the fla on the website

Ok man. I’m on DSL so it should be cool. Let me know when you are posting it as I’m about to hook up with my GF and don’t have too much time tonight

ok 6 minutes left to upload… when you see another email from this post go to www.zephn.com/mocksite.zip
I’ve stripped out all the unneccesary components and left in the appropriate components in their correct subfolders

OK. I’ll try and start the DL b4 I leave.


bump anyone else?

Bro, I will have a look as soon as I can but for now I have to do some work :frowning:

I thought you said the buttons would appear locally but not online. They don’t appear when I test it. Are they a separate loadmovie?

you have to extract the whole zip oion to the desktop… then try running it. if you have i don’t know what the problem is… try going into the subfolder in pictures and see what the fla and swf in there do.